La influencer y periodista que se ha hecho viral por enseñar la realidad de los cuerpos con celulitis, estrías y flacidez

Vidas maravillosas, cuerpos de escándalo, viajes de ensueño…. Las redes sociales han creado un mundo virtual falso que poco a poco muchas influencers están tratando de frenar mostrando la realidad que hay detrás de las fotografías. Tania Llasera y su posado en bikini reivindicativo, Lola Índigo y su foto sin Photoshop o Paula Echevarría y su selfie sin maquillaje ni retoques, son algunos de los ejemplos que intentan promover el amor por nuestros cuerpos. A ellas se ha unido la periodista e influencer Danae Mercer, que se ha encargado de normalizar la celulitis, las estrías o la flacidez sin tapujos.

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Insta vs ALSO INSTA – Let’s CHANGE the CONVERSATION. Let’s start showing up a little more HOW WE ARE, and a little less of WHO WE THINK we HAVE to be. It’s hard. I get that. PERFECTION is glittering and promising and the GOAL that so many of us have been taught we must pursue. Only it’s a rigged game. No one wins when chasing perfection. Because PERFECTION doesn’t exist. It doesn’t. Not in bodies. Not in lives. Not in humans. Instead, us humans, we are far more complex and nuanced. We have cellulite and dimples and jiggles and souls that fold or falter or stumble towards something better. We have emotions that don’t make sense and hearts that break. We have rawness. We have hope. So today, I challenge you to step back from the tempting lie that is PERFECTION. Let yourself be a little more YOU. Whether it’s by showing some wiggly dimply bootie bits on social media, Or by offering a moment of vulnerable honesty to a friend. Let yourself be who YOU are. Perfectly imperfect, Crushingly real, And incredibly human indeed. You got this. x #instavsreality #selflove #bodyconfidence #feminist #inspiringquotes

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A pesar de que a diario se intenta concienciar de que lo mostrado en redes es solo una parte -y probablemente no real- de la vida de los influencers, el poder y la influencia que tienen pueden conseguir efectos muy negativos en las personas, sobre todo en los más jóvenes. Por ello, Danae Merce ha hecho de Instagram su herramienta para normalizar los cuerpos perfectamente imperfectos y destapar la realidad que hay detrás de una pose que intenta ocultar o disimular esas imperfecciones.

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BLOATING ADVICE please. I also want to shoutout to my fav high-rise medium-compression leggings by, now available at Namshi. More styles are in my stories (#YupSponsored #AlsoAnAd). As for bloating – I’ve had a puffy belly for YEARS. Maybe my entire life. Only lately, the bloating has gone crazy. It keeps waking me up and sometimes there’s quite bad discomfort – none of these things normal. So I’m on a journey to understand. I’m talking to experts and trying new things — including poo’ing into a cup (that’s this week) and doing a breath test that takes three hours. A lot of stuff hasn’t changed anything (like taking some probiotics or downing shots of wheatgrass). But I guess that’s all part of this journey: experimenting, testing, and learning. Everything is being documented for YouTube. If you’ve found anything that helps ease the discomfort, let me know. I’m all ears on this weird little gut healing journey of mine. Until I figure it out, I’m all about the high-rise leggings. #AgainThisisAcollab #butalsoadviceplease #womensbestwear #workoutkit #workoutstyles #bloating #guthealth

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Un objetivo que parece estar consiguiendo ya que reúne casi un millón y medio de seguidores que apoyan y aplauden la inciativa de Danae. En las publicaciones, la periodista muestra cómo una pose puede ocultar la flacidez de los muslos o el vientre hinchado. Con sus fotografías enseña tips y consejos para posar ante la cámara sacando la mejor de tí misma, una prueba irrefutable de que no hay que creer nada de lo que vemos en Instagram.

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⌛️ HOURGLASS SELFIE SECRETS ⏳ Get an hourglass shape in 10 seconds flat, no WAIST TRAINERS or weird CLING FILM WRAPS required. Here’s how I did it: ❣️Wedgie to create longer leg lines ❣️Pull out bum flesh to make hips and legs look bigger, waist smaller ❣️Knees together for the same ❣️Legs pointed down toward camera so they appear longer ❣️ Core tight ❣️Chest puffed out to appear larger ❣️ Exhale all the air ? And BAM take the photo! So next time some dodgy company tries to convince you that you must SQUISH YOUR ORGANS TOGETHER with a waist trainer, remember this: Social media is filtered and posed. Cling film wraps with cinnamon on the inside will never change your shape. And you are far more INCREDIBLE than a split second staged photo could ever even hope to be. Hourglass shape or straight shape or any shape at all. You got this girl. x #instavsreality #instagramvsreality #selfacceptance #photohacks #selflove

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Dane comparte también su experiencia personal y muestra cómo ha conseguido superar sus trastornos alimenticios y cómo ha llegado a aceptarse mejorando su salud mental. «Mi meta es recordarte una y otra vez que las redes sociales no son reales. Las publicaciones contienen filtros, poses, retoques, brillos… La perfección no es lo que nos representa. Pero nosotros los humanos somos mucho más maravillosos que eso y nuestros cuerpos son solo envoltorios de lo de dentro», escribe junto a sus imágenes. Y desde la redacción nos faltan manos para aplaudir esta iniciativa. ¡Bravo!

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CELLULITE is so darn COMMON. So WEAR that swimsuit. Rock that bikini. Get out there and roll with the full wonder of all that you are. And don’t let any little lumpbumps make you second guess for a single minute. Over 80 percent of women have cellulite. That’s a HUGE number – and yet we are told it’s bad and wrong and subtly, so subtly, taught that it is shameful. Some of us learn these lessons as little girls. Yesterday I shared a YouTube video that wants to teach exactly that. It featured a slight child deciding she was TOO BIG, so she exercised and weighed herself and ate carrots and weighed herself and climbed stairs and weighed herself. Some of us learn these lessons as adults, when brands try to SELL TO US and make money from SHAME. From creating flaws that don’t exist, or from turning incredibly common bits of bodies into things that must be fixed. Wherever you learned these lessons, know that they are wrong. Your cellulite is NOT an error. A glitch in perfection. It’s incredible. Unique. A stamp mark of who you are. A sign that your body is functioning and alive and doing the same thing as over 80% of other women. So today, babygirl, get out there and rock your cellulite. Celebrate your dips and rolls. Embrace your curves or your straights. And most of all, do whatever makes you SMILE. Because you are a GLORIOUS CELEBRATION. A song of limbs and heart and soul. Don’t you forget it. Bikini @heiress_swimwear #selflove #bodyacceptance #normalizenormalbodies #cellulite #strengthmarks

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