Meghan Markle se salta la agenda oficial en su viaje a Sudáfrica por una buena causa

Los duques de Sussex se encuentran de viaje oficial en Sudáfrica junto a su hijo Archie. El matrimonio no ha parado durante toda su gira en el país africano donde les hemos visto en actos tanto en solitario como junto a su hijo, que ha cautivado a todos con su dulzura. Pero,a pesar de la apretada agenda del príncipe Harry y la duquesa de Sussex, Meghan Markle ha decidido saltarse su agenda oficial por una buena causa. La mujer del príncipe Harry ha rendido un emotivo homenaje a una joven estudiante la Universidad del Cabo víctima de violencia de género, que fue asesinada el pasado mes a manos de un trabajador de correos después de ser violada.

Meghan Markleha compartido con todos sus seguidores, a través de la cuenta oficial de Instagram de los duques de Sussex, una imagen en la que coloca una cinta amarilla en homenaje a Uyinene Mrwetyana. «La duquesa de Sussex ha atado una cinta en el sitio donde la estudiante de Ciudad del Cabo, Uyinene Mrwetyana, de 19 años, fue asesinada el mes pasado, para presentar sus respetos y mostrar solidaridad con quienes se han pronunciado contra la violencia de género y el feminicidio», se puede leer en el texto que acompaña la fotografía. En el que también se explica que durante el último mes en Ciudad del Cabo, estallaron protestas en las calles indignadas por la violencia de género en Sudáfrica.

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“Simi kunye kulesisimo” – ‘We stand together in this moment’ The Duchess of Sussex has tied a ribbon at the site where 19-year-old Cape Town student Uyinene Mrwetyana was murdered last month, to pay her respects and to show solidarity with those who have taken a stand against gender based violence and femicide. Over the last month in Capetown, protests erupted through the streets in outrage over GBV in South Africa. The Duke and Duchess had been following what had happened from afar and were both eager to learn more when they arrived in South Africa. The Duchess spoke to the mother of Uyinene this week to relay their condolences. Visiting the site of this tragic death and being able to recognise Uyinene, and all women and girls effected by GBV (specifically in South Africa, but also throughout the world) was personally important to The Duchess. Uyinene’s death has mobilised people across South Africa in the fight against gender based violence, and is seen as a critical point in the future of women’s rights in South Africa. The Duchess has taken private visits and meetings over the last two days to deepen her understanding of the current situation and continue to advocate for the rights of women and girls. For more information on the recent events in South Africa, please see link in bio. #AmINext

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“Simi kunye kulesisimo” – ‘We stand together in this moment’ The Duchess of Sussex has tied a ribbon at the site where 19-year-old Cape Town student Uyinene Mrwetyana was murdered last month, to pay her respects and to show solidarity with those who have taken a stand against gender based violence and femicide. Over the last month in Capetown, protests erupted through the streets in outrage over GBV in South Africa. The Duke and Duchess had been following what had happened from afar and were both eager to learn more when they arrived in South Africa. The Duchess spoke to the mother of Uyinene this week to relay their condolences. Visiting the site of this tragic death and being able to recognise Uyinene, and all women and girls effected by GBV (specifically in South Africa, but also throughout the world) was personally important to The Duchess. Uyinene’s death has mobilised people across South Africa in the fight against gender based violence, and is seen as a critical point in the future of women’s rights in South Africa. The Duchess has taken private visits and meetings over the last two days to deepen her understanding of the current situation and continue to advocate for the rights of women and girls. For more information on the recent events in South Africa, please see link in bio. #AmINext

A post shared byThe Duke and Duchess of Sussex (@sussexroyal) on

Unas protestas que los duques de Sussex habían estado siguiendo desde lejos y que estaban ansiosos de poder conocer un poco más sobre la violencia de género en este país en su viaje oficial. Además señalaban que la duquesa habló con la madre de Uyinene esta semana para transmitir sus condolencias.

En el texto, también explican quepara Meghan Markle ha sido muy importante visitar el sitio de esta trágica muerte ypoder rendir homenaje a todas las mujeres y niñas víctimas de la violencia de género.

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